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双语学校网    http://shuangyu.ctiku.com    2022年11月22日



  The essence of Chinese and western cultures beautifully blended


  青苗先后荣获国际文凭组织(IB) PYP·MY P·DP授权、美国西部院校联盟(WAS C) 、英国文化教育协会(British Council) 认证等国际权威认证。致力于将学生培养成为具备民族自信、时代精神和世界眼光的未来力量,让我们的孩子走得出、回得来。

  Founded in1998byMs.Kathy Shi, Beanstalk Educa ion Group is regarded as one of the leading in tem national bilingual education pioneers in China.It is commit led to providing young leamer swell-rounded in tema fiona leduc a ion that integrates Chinese and We stem educational philosophies, cultural elements, and bestpractices.With accred tation by in tema ion ally acknowledged authorities including the Inte mational Baccalaureate(IB) , the Western Associa fi on of Schools and Colleges (WAS C) (Bri ish Council) , and the B tish Counci Beanstalk is now helping tens of thousands of Chinese and in tema fiona l students to reach for their dreams with more than 20 campuses across China, with its 15-years education system covering from kindergarten to senior highschool Beanstalk strives to foster our students wth dual native language cap abi ity, muli-culture vision and global mindset, and encourages the young future forces to adventure, re tum and stay.

来源:双语学校 本页网址:http://shuangyu.ctiku.com/bj/202387.html
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